Video Banner Ad Campaign | Orville Redenbacher's

Rich Media Banner Ad Campaign

A whimsical portrait of Orville Redenbacher’s corporate headquarters was created in one of the brand's recent TV campaigns. The spots elevated the overall Orville brand equity but focused little on the products’ benefits. We created a benefit-focused banner campaign that incorporated and extended the new Orville HQ campaign.

We decided that the best way to do that was to recreate the people and places from the TV spots in rich media banner executions. So we created room-sized sets, then shot our Orville-costumed talent acting inside them. Then, finally, we composited that green screen video with detailed graphics that reflected the Orville Headquarters environment from the TV. 

Behind the Scenes Production
Animated Typography Executions

As the Orville Factory Campaign was eventually phased out, we transitioned the character-focused, video concepts into more animated typography executions. The concepts also introduced snacking occasions as the brand's objectives evolved.

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